Apr 30, 2023
Feel like we’re living in the last days? This week Pastor Jarrod gives us 3 ways we can have hope in the midst of chaos.
Everything we do at Grace is made possible because our people invest in what God is doing here. You can help by giving at graceoc.com/give/
Our Spiritual Care Ministry extends help to those...
Apr 23, 2023
How do you know you’re 'a real one' when it comes to being a Christian? This week Pastor Jarrod takes us through the book of 1 John as he shows what it means to be a true Christ follower.
Ready to take your next steps at Grace? Visit graceoc.com/nextsteps/ to learn more.
Everything we do at Grace is made possible...
Apr 16, 2023
Join us as we kick off our new series Good to Know. This week Pastor Jarrod shows us why we should follow Jesus’ example and publicly declare our faith through baptism.
Everything we do at Grace is made possible because our people invest in what God is doing here. You can help by giving at graceoc.com/give/
Ready to...
Apr 9, 2023
Join us for our Easter services, as Pastor Jarrod shows us what to believe about God, and why we should believe in God.
Ready to publicly declare your faith in Jesus Christ? Join us for our baptism service next weekend! Visit graceoc.com/baptism for more information.
Looking to become part of the mission of Grace?...
Apr 2, 2023
In this series finale, Pastor Jarrod shows how ‘bringing’ to God’s heart will allow us to experience God’s goodness.
Everything we do at Grace is made possible because our people invest in what God is doing here. You can help by giving at graceoc.com/give/
Join us next weekend at all of our locations for Easter...