Apr 24, 2016
You may think that your life is such a mess that God could never use you. Not true! Turn your heart to God in obedience and He will show you that you’re never too far gone. Follow along as we continue into the third chapter of Jonah.
Apr 17, 2016
Everyone hits rock bottom at some point in their life and many times at the hand of God. Today, Pastor Jarrod answers two questions: “Why would God let my life hit rock bottom?” and “How can I escape it?”
Apr 11, 2016
We’ve all made plans with the thought that it was the right thing to do only to have something go horribly wrong. As we learn from this message from Jonah chapter one, God will drastically and catastrophically interrupt our plans in order to get us back on track with His plan.
Apr 3, 2016
What would you do if Jesus showed up in person and answered the questions and doubts you have about the validity of His resurrection? In the Gospel of John, Thomas experienced this first hand. Find out what Jesus said to him and how the same answer applies to your doubts.