Oct 25, 2020
At Grace, we love you enough to tell you the Truth, even when that Truth is uncomfortable. In this week's message, Pastor Jarrod looks at the church at Thyatira in the Book of Revelation to show us why it'll always be out of our most important values.
Has God done something amazing in your life that you'd like to share...
Oct 18, 2020
Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, but how can we know we are truly following Him? As we continue our series on the Book of Revelation, Pastor Jarrod focuses our attention on the Truth of Jesus Christ as he debunks the heretical teachings of Progressive Christianity.
Hey, there's something new from...
Oct 11, 2020
When life gets difficult, it can be easy to look for ways to find compromises in our lives. This week, Pastor Jarrod returns to the Book of Revelation to gives us reasons why we should be wary of even small compromises, and shows us how to remain steadfast in an ever-changing world.
Hey, there's something new from...
Oct 4, 2020
2020 continues to be the year of unprecedented trials. Will we face it in fear or faith? In this week’s message, Pastor Jarrod points the church at Smyrna to show how, like them, we can face the unknown with unwavering faith.
We weren't meant to face our struggles alone. If you'd like to talk to someone about this...