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Jun 27, 2021

Do you suffer from FOMO, the fear of missing out? Pastor Jarrod continues in the Book of Peter to show us how to experience joy in place of fear when it comes to the things fundamentally important in our lives.

We’re excited to be fully open at all locations and for all services. Due to reduced volunteer numbers, we...

Jun 20, 2021

In this special Father’s Message, Pastor Abe Dueck shares lessons we can learn from our Heavenly Father in the story of the life of Joseph, the son of Jacob.

Great News! Grace Community is lifting restrictions. With the elimination of NY State mandates, Grace Community is ready to fully reopen seating. Effective...

Jun 13, 2021

It can be difficult to stand for Jesus in a World that seems to be against Him. In this message, Pastor Jarrod shows us the answer is not fighting for victory but fighting from a place of victory.

Everything that happens at Grace is driven by volunteers. Lock arms with us and become a part of making the mission of...

Jun 6, 2021

When the pressure is on, do you snap, or do you rise to the occasion? In this message, Pastor Jarrod gives us "5 musts" from the Book of Peter to help us be powerful Christian witnesses.

What are your next steps as a Christian? Are you ready to serve? To give? Or just need to get connected with someone who can help you...