Jul 25, 2021
How do you find courage to face the anxiety and suffering in your life? Pastor Jarrod continues our series in the Book of 1 Peter with 4 marks of courage in a hostile world.
Waiting until the fall to serve at Grace? Because everything we do
depends on volunteers, the programs we have in the fall can only
exist because...
Jul 18, 2021
Ever wonder if you can trust your church leadership? Pastor Jarrod returns to the Book of 1 Peter as he lays out the Biblical outline of church leadership and explains the structure of leadership at Grace Community Church.
Waiting until the fall to serve at Grace? Because everything we do
depends on volunteers, the...
Jul 11, 2021
Where is God when it hurts? In this week’s message, Pastor Jarrod reveals God’s place in Christian suffering.
If you're in a place of suffering right now, our Spiritual Care
team is here to help. Log onto www.Graceoc.com/spiritualcare for
more information.
Want God more involved in your life? Get into His Word! If...
Jul 4, 2021
If you knew there would be no tomorrow, how would you live your life today? As we continue in our series on the Book of Peter, Pastor Jarrod shows us what the Bible says about living life like there's no tomorrow.
Did you know Middle and High School students have their own webpage
at Grace? Check out all that's going...