Sep 24, 2017
There are many people who believe Saturday is the Sabbath and some believe it's Sunday. Does it even matter? Find out in today's message with Pastor Jarrod Jones.
Sep 17, 2017
Rest. We all long to have some in our busy lives. Jesus called his disciples away to rest, and He does the same for us. Follow along in today’s message, “Stay in Your Seat.” We have much to gain by entering into His rest.
Sep 10, 2017
Sometimes the busyness of life can draw our attention away from God. We are called to serve as believers, but should it be at the expense of spending quality time with Jesus? Check out today’s message and learn how to find true rest in our busy lives.
Sep 3, 2017
Our series wraps up with a study of verse 5 & 6 from Psalm 23 with Pastor Adrian Schoonmaker painting a picture of what it would look and feel like to be the guest of honor at a table prepared by Jesus Christ, as he explains how this Audacious Claim separates Christianity from all other religions in this message...