Sep 29, 2019
In this special 10 year anniversary message, Pastor Jarrod Jones takes a look back at the first message he preached at Grace Community Church, as he revisits the book of Ephesians and it's application on our lives.
For more messages by Pastor Jarrod, visit us at
Sep 22, 2019
Feeling stuck in your circumstance or swept up in a situation outside of your control? Think it’ll take a miracle to turn in around? This week Pastor Jarrod shows us how the characters in the Book of Esther felt the same way, and how the tables turned for them. Learn how this story can give you hope that the tables...
Sep 15, 2019
When we feel empty inside, we often try to put on a facade for those around us. We chase happiness to fill us up, but when we catch it, it slips away and leaves us empty again. This week, Pastor Jarrod explains what the books of Ezra and Nehemiah have to teach us about (re)building lasting joy and how that differs...
Sep 8, 2019
The Story of God continues in our new miniseries Trials and Trust as Pastor Jarrod shows us what the books of Chronicles have to tell us about God and ourselves. Whether we need to rise up, make up, move up, heal up or even grow up, this message provides encouragement along, what can sometimes be, a difficult road.
Sep 1, 2019
We all struggle with things we'd like to change about ourselves. An abundance of self-help systems, guided programs and even religions promise lasting change, but none seem to deliver. In this weeks message, Pastor Adrian Schoonmaker delivers hope when change seems impossible as he wraps up our series The Placebo Effect.