Aug 30, 2015
Whom do we belong to? Continuing in Hebrews 11, Pastor Adrian answers this question and shows us how we should see ourselves with eyes of faith—a bought people ransomed with precious blood.
Aug 23, 2015
One key factor to persevering in faith is how we see—the way we regard situations, the way we look at people, and at circumstances. In this sermon, Pastor Adrian teaches us that believing isn’t always seeing.
Aug 16, 2015
God calls us to believe Him and to take Him at His word. In the first message of the series, Pastor Adrian looks at the "heroes of the faith" found in Hebrews 11 and how we, too, can have eyes of faith in the everyday and lay aside our old, tired view.
Aug 9, 2015
In this message, Ryan Floridia, Grace’s Warwick Campus Worship Leader, shares that while we are always capable of failing, if we recognize and confess our failures, we can be freed from guilt and can experience restoration.
Aug 2, 2015
Holding onto hurts and regrets is like carrying around bags of rotting trash. The steps outlined in today’s message will bring you to the place of freedom from those hurts and regrets… the cross.