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Jan 25, 2015

C.S. Lewis once said, "You don't have a soul. You are a soul." The final message in this series is all about getting your soul healthy and keeping it that way.

Jan 18, 2015

The Bible never commands us to eat right and exercise. But did you know that it honors God when we do so? Pastor Jarrod continues the series in which we learn how the interconnectedness of our mind, body, and soul relates to our worship of God.

Jan 11, 2015

Like the rip tide in the ocean, our emotions can carry us away into dangerous places. Today’s messages teaches us that God created us and our emotions, that it is our responsibility to keep them in control instead of them controlling us, and how to do that.

Jan 4, 2015

The first message in the Soul Ecology series teaches us how difficult it is to love and serve others when we are unhealthy in our emotions, thoughts, and body.