Apr 26, 2015
In the parable of the sower in Luke 8, Jesus explains to His disciples the meaning of the different types of soil and how they receive the truth of His word. Today we look at the heart represented by the rocky soil.
Apr 20, 2015
Thousands of people have heard the gospel, and yet not everyone receives it, even when Jesus, Himself preached it. We learn why that is as Pastor Jarrod teaches from the parable of the sower in the book of Luke.
Apr 12, 2015
As a follow up to the Easter message, Pastor Jarrod outlines the next steps a new follower of Jesus should take according to Scripture… starting with baptism.
Apr 5, 2015
Many people believe that all roads lead to heaven, and anyone who thinks otherwise is narrow minded and intolerant. In this Easter message Pastor Jarrod addresses that belief and asks the question: what if that sincere belief is sincerely wrong?
Apr 5, 2015
Joy and sorrow—everyone experiences them. Good Friday is a time to reflect on the sorrow of our sin and the joy available to us through Jesus' death and resurrection.