Oct 29, 2017
Most people associate autumn with change, with slowing down from the summer activities and settling into new routines, and with harvests. In today’s message, Pastor Jarrod Jones looks at how God uses this season to prepare us for those seasons yet to come.
Oct 22, 2017
Just as God is in every season we go through physically, He is in every one we go through spiritually. Pastor Jarrod begins the series with the season of summer; the season of bright skies and fun.
Oct 15, 2017
Today, our news feeds are packed with cultural, political and religious tensions tearing our country apart. We know we are to love our neighbor as ourselves, but what does that look like, and who is our neighbor? Join Pastor Bill Kennon, as he looks at the story of the Good Samaritan for practical answers on how we...
Oct 8, 2017
Togetherness is not something one thinks of as a result of taking a Sabbath, but today we learn that although we take time alone, we are never truly alone.
Oct 1, 2017
God created the Sabbath for our good. Today’s message shows what usually happens when we don’t take time to slow down or take a break from our busyness?