Nov 30, 2014
Dr. David Platt once said "The Church is God's Plan A to reach the world and there is no Plan B." In this week's message, Pastor Jarrod builds on this statement to remind us of what God has done, is doing, and wants to do through the ministries of Grace Community Church.
Nov 23, 2014
Today’s message from 2 Kings 6 is a great reminder that when you’re facing difficult situations, God’s presence in your life provides supernatural protection and deliverance.
Nov 16, 2014
Only dealing with the symptoms of a problem may bring temporary satisfaction or relief, but if the root of the problem is not taken care of, it will hurt you and those closest to you.
Nov 9, 2014
When faced with a situation, there are only two ways to handle it; and the outcome has everything to do with how you choose.
Nov 2, 2014
Following Jesus is no guarantee against inward and outward fights; in fact, it invites them. The first message in Fight Club teaches us how to be ready to fight and win every time.