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Jun 25, 2023

This week Pastor Keni shows us how we should respond to an all-sufficient Christ who gave His life for our salvation.

Everything we do at Grace is made possible because our people invest in what God is doing here. You can help by giving at

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Jun 18, 2023

Because of the sufficiency of Christ, we give up all things that so that we may have one thing, and that’s Christ! It’s an exchange of all that I am and all that I have for all that He is. 

Everything we do at Grace is made possible because our people invest in what God is doing here. You can help by giving at

Jun 11, 2023

We are all unable to fix the brokenness that exists within us. This week Pastor Jeff Harrison shows us how the Gospel transforms our identities, surrendering our own and receiving the identity of Jesus.

Everything we do at Grace is made possible because our people invest in what God is doing here. You can help by giving...

Jun 4, 2023

This week Pastor Jim Barringer kicks off our new series G.O.S.P.E.L. by showing us the true character of God. 

Everything we do at Grace is made possible because our people invest in what God is doing here. You can help by giving at

Ready to take your next steps at Grace? Visit