Apr 25, 2021
We’ve all had our hearts broken, so it’s no wonder we want to put up walls to protect ourselves, but scripture calls us to love. In this message, Pastor Jarrod returns to the book of 1 Peter to show us how we can find the strength to love even in a politically and culturally charged world.
There’s lots going on...
Apr 18, 2021
What comes to mind when you hear the word HOLINESS? Does it feel irrelevant or even boring? Pastor Jarrod continues this series in the book of 1 Peter to help us understand the HOPE we have when we reject the ordinary and pursue the extraordinary HOLINESS found in the WORD OF GOD.
Beginning THIS TUESDAY April 20th at...
Apr 11, 2021
There seems to be increasing pressure on Christians to set aside their biblical beliefs in order to conform to societal ideals, but we're not the first to be rejected for being out of step with those around us. In the first message of the series, Pastor Jarrod looks to 1 Peter to encourage us to find joy in the...
Apr 4, 2021
Like ashes, grief is what remains from what once was. In this Easter message, Pastor Jarrod Jones, share's God's word to help us out of the ashes to find healing, joy and freedom in the resurrection of Jesus.
We're celebrating! If you've declared Jesus as your Lord and Savior, but have never been baptized as a believer,...