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Dec 31, 2017

A New Years Resolution is a plan you make for yourself, but the Scriptures say God already has a plan for your life. Instead of making a resolution this year, listen to this message from Pastor Jason Ham to learn how you can find God’s plan for your life in 2018.

Dec 24, 2017

In his Christmas message, “The Light has Dawned”, Pastor Jarrod celebrates how the Light of Jesus shines the brightest when things seem the darkest.

Dec 17, 2017

If you're like most, you don't have much free time, so when you find yourself with a little "me time", you may feel like spending it isolated from others. While there's nothing wrong with "me time", this week's message by Pastor Trabelus Whitfield explains why we should choose association over isolation when deciding...

Dec 10, 2017

What are you doing on Thursday night at 8pm? Whether it’s a fun family time, a time of loneliness or pain, or something in-between, this week's message with Pastor Jim Barringer will help you see how God can use the 116th hour of your week to bring Him honor, glory and praise.


Dec 3, 2017

God reaches people in more than just the one hour we spend in a church building. He's working through His people in all 167 hours of the week. He does this in the break room, grocery store, or at the bus stop. Find the purpose He has for you in that time with the people around you, in this week’s message with Pastor...