Aug 29, 2021
Pastor Jeff Harrison examines the life of Peter to help us understand that even when we feel stuck in our brokenness, we have hope in the mercy of Jesus Christ.
Have you connected with us yet? We’d love to make a personal connection with you to help you take your next steps here at Grace or even to help you find a...
Aug 22, 2021
In this week’s message, Pastor Branden Brown shares how difficult situations in his life have strengthened his relationship with God as he talks us through the parable of the prodigal son.
Do you have a written paper copy of the Bible? We’d like to make sure everyone who attends Grace in person or online has a...
Aug 15, 2021
Remember when you first become a believer and started going to church? Everything was new and exciting and you were growing in your faith. You may be in a spot right now where it's difficult to love the church. Why is it important to stay committed to the church in spite of its imperfections and what can you do to help...
Aug 8, 2021
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? We’ll turn to one of the most important passages in the New Testament to see what Jesus Himself says about this question that is usually misunderstood or even completely overlooked.
Ready to take your Next Steps? You can find the Gospel Groundwork
course that Pastor...
Aug 1, 2021
What do Christians do when they feel overwhelmed? Don't panic; adjust! Pastor Jarrod wraps up the series with a message on how to weather difficult times.
Do you want to get to know people at church? Serving is a great way
to connect with people to do life together. Visit us at for more...