Dec 26, 2021
Lift your eyes to behold, the Light has come! And He is your Savior, Christ the Lord.
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Did you know you can watch past services from Pastor Jarrod...
Dec 19, 2021
We are surrounded by news all the time and have access at our fingertips. Most of the news today is bad news. But this Christmas, we celebrate the good news that brings great joy to all people! This good news comes in the form of a person and His name is Jesus!
Everything we do at Grace is made possible because our...
Dec 12, 2021
At Christmas we hear a lot about ‘peace on earth and goodwill to men,’ but sometimes all we feel is pessimism and negativity. In this message, Pastor Brandon shows us how the Gospel should impact our outlook on life and why, at many times, it doesn’t impact us at all.
Our Spiritual Care Ministry extends help to...
Dec 5, 2021
Humility is a central theme throughout the Bible. Join us as Pastor Jeff Dueck kicks off a new series and shows us how humility is at the heart of Christmas.
Everything we do at Grace is made possible because our people invest in what God is doing here. You can help by giving at
Interested in...
Nov 28, 2021
The Bible calls us to ‘Go’ and make disciples of all nations. In the final message of this series, Pastor Jarrod shows us how we can go with the gospel, and reach the world for Christ.
Everything we do at Grace is made possible because our people invest in what God is doing here. You can help by giving at